Rebranding and our next chapter


They say time flies when you are having fun - and it’s been four and a half years since I decided to take the leap of faith and begin my own practice. If I close my eyes I can still imagine myself volunteering with Martin Aerne and the team in balmy Phnom Penh - ceiling fan lazily spinning overhead, the wide, worn timber floor boards beneath, the sounds of a fast-developing city, the scent of the advancing rainstorm followed by the inevitable tropical deluge. It was there, completely unexpectedly, when I received news that my family had two house projects for me to tackle when I come home. Two unmerited opportunities, and two very steep learning curves. Like every Architect who ever breaks out on their own, there always has to be someone loving enough, trusting enough, who puts their life savings (or debt!) on the line and gives them that very first project. And so the practice was born.

Early on I decided to put my own name on the door. It’s never been about my ego or making a name for myself - but rather, it was an acknowledgement that things were going to be simple, and that it would be a personal promise of quality. Starting a biz from scratch is never easy - as an “outsider” looking nothing like the typical Architect, even more so - but I’ve come to realise that it’s a strength to be the underdog. We embrace our identity today. It’s more than OK to stay true to what we believe in, to stand out, to see things from a fresh perspective, and be different.

Like for everyone else, 2020 has been strange and challenging in equal measure. But I am thankful - we’ve not only pulled through, but we’ve used it as an opportunity to assess, re-think, and envision the future that we want to build. Today I look around at our office, and see the faces I now work with. They may be younger than me, but they bring skill and insight that I don’t have. This is great. We’re stronger together. It’s not my own story to tell anymore.

Ever: Our Next Chapter

It’s therefore the perfect time for us to rebrand ourselves as Ever Architecture Studio. We chose this name because it’s short and snappy (“welcome to Ever!”) but also because it embodies our belief and passion. There’s a sense of a constant, ever pursuit of what is good for our clients, the neighbourhood, the city and environment. There’s also connotations of timelessness and the eternal, as in every project we keep seeking to connect building users with nature, to create an experience of rest and peace. We want to see people flourish, and it starts with the place they call home.

In short, what we stand for as a practice will remain the same - these are the values we fought for during the foundational years. At the same time, as Ever Studio we hope to communicate what we do more clearly, so that we will be able to help more people in the future.

We are also excited to announce that, from September, we will be working from our own shopfront in leafy Tarragindi. As we live locally and most of our clients are in the immediate area, we want to be clear about our passion for suburban Brisbane and its citizens. Here at 4/212 Cracknell Road we will “meet people where they are” - adjacent to the local cafe, near the local dog park and playground where families gather, and close to food trucks that bring joy on weekend evenings.

For us, we are not satisfied to have a boring office or a monument to our work - rather we look forward to the good that we can do through having the space. We look forward to showcasing the work of local artists, providing a space for welcoming and conversations, and engaging others with our vision about all things life and building.

Our Future VisionAs much as we dream of growth and plan for the future,  I want to make clear that the future vision for Ever Studio is actually quite limited - and intentionally so.  That is, We hold all things with open hands, knowing that God giv…

Our Future Vision

As much as we dream of growth and plan for the future, I want to make clear that the future vision for Ever Studio is actually quite limited - and intentionally so. That is,

  1. We hold all things with open hands, knowing that God gives and takes;

  2. Our responsibility is to faithfully pursue what is good. This begins with how we value our family and fellow staff, to the way we fight for our clients, honour our collaborators, and uplift those who we can help along the way;

  3. That as we do these simple things well, we can face new opportunities and responsibilities with confidence, and we can have a positive impact upon the people we serve, neighbourhoods, our city, the environment and even culture.

A note of thanks

As Architects we often get noticed and placed in the spotlight, but genuinely we wouldn’t be here without the help of many along the way. From the early days my wife Grace was my constant support, but also there was our first marketing help Heidi, and early part time intern Shane. Today our Ever family includes Associate Georgie, Student Chi, and Content Creator Roy. We also have benefitted immensely from the example shown by our friends Martin and AA&A; perpetual wisdom from our friends Casey and Bek; and branding insight from Jieun. Finally, we are ever grateful for every single one of our clients, for trusting us with such a big responsibility and honour.

You have all played a part in the story of our practice thus far. We look forward to finding out what the next chapter will bring.


Our Studio is Officially Open!


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